
All sessions are between 60 and 90 minutes with a hands on approach dedicated to one patient at a time. Our physios are very well qualified and treat all joints, muscles and nerved related injuries and ailments.

” Physiotherapy is health care profession with a scientific and holistic approach to improve health and wellness”


  • Back pain
  • Neck pain and whiplash
  • Headaches
  • Sports related injuries
  • Ergonomics and overuse injuries
  • Joint Pain ( shoulders, knees, hips, ankles and elbows)

Dry needling is an effective intervention aimed at reducing wide spread muscles spasms often associated with arthritis, muscle and ligament injuries and back pain. The term “Dry Needling” is used as it describes the use of a thin needle to treat knots in the muscle without injecting a solution into the body. When an injury occurs muscles tense into a protective spasm to guard against further damage. This contraction, along with inflammation, deprive the muscle of oxygen and prevents toxins from leaving the injured area. This leads to scar tissue formation and poor function in the muscle. By inserting the thin needle into the knot a contract relax reflex or twitch response reduces tension in the muscle. This twitch response improves muscle flexibility and function which in turn reduces pain. The theory behind Dry Needling differs completely from the of acupuncture and is based on the evidence of Western Medicine.

Taping is used in physiotherapy to achieve a number of rehabilitation goals. These include pain relief, improving joint stability, enhancing athletic performance, reducing reoccurrence of injuries and preventing injury. After a thorough assessment your physiotherapist may use various types of tape and techniques to best meet your needs. Taping aims to stabilise or support an injury, relieve pain by de-loading vulnerable structures or to facilitate normal movement and postural patterns. Although taping forms an integral  part of rehabilitation it does not replace the power of the hands on approach of physiotherapy.

The general goals of athletic taping are to restrict the motion of injured joint, compress soft tissues to reduce swelling, support anatomical structure involved in the injury, serve as a splint of to secure a splint, secure dressing or bandages, protect the injured joint from re-injury, and protect the injured part while the injured part is in the healing process

Including lingering pains from old injuries, autoimmune related symptoms and conditions that require lifestyle modification, stress management and gut related interventions

Reflexology consists of a gentle, non-invasive therapy that encourages the body to balance and heal itself. It involves applying finger or thumb pressure, to specific points on the feet. These points are ‘reflexes’ and reflect, or mirror, the organs and structures of the body.

Reflexology is used to improve stress & cortisol levels, brain fog, aches & pains, feet cramps, sleep and general bodily functions.

What could I experience post-treatment ?

•Light headedness

•Heightened Emotions  (in some cases)

•Tender feet


•Some people may feel worse after reflexology, before feeling better. This is a sign that the body is responding.

* Sport Specific and Post Surgery

Physiotherapy rehabilitation involves specialised treatment and exercises to facilitate your recovery after surgery, an illness or injury. The aim is to restore optimal function of your movement and sensory systems in order for you to perform as you did prior to an incident. Laurel Doman Physiotherapy will assist with getting you up and going after an operation or help you return to the sports and activities you love. Our rehabilitation programme includes pain management, addressing biomechanical issues and personalised exercises. This facilitates the restoration of function and prevents reoccurrence of the same injuries.

Chest physiotherapy is an effective approach to assist with preventing and treating various chest infections in both adults, children and infants. It helps clear the airways of excess secretions associated with pneumonias, bronchitis, COPD, cystic fibrosis and other chronic lung conditions. Through a combination of nebulisation, percussion, vibration, suctioning and breathing exercises it improves the comfort and effectiveness of breathing.

Colic describes a condition characterised by the unexplained and uncontrollable fussing and crying of your baby. It is most common from the age of 0-3 months and can seriously challenge the first few months of parenthood. The cause of colic is not clearly defined but some likely contributing factors include mechanical stress of the infant spine during labour and dietary and digestive issues of both mom and baby. Physiotherapy for the management of colic involves specialised baby massage and the application of gentle manual mobilisation of the neck and back where tightness or restrictions occur.

Craniosacral therapy is a western complementary practice which makes use of therapeutic touch to manipulate the cerebrospinal fluid. By working on the cranium, spine and sacral area it aims to re-establish homeostasis in the body. It is an effective form of treatment for a wide range of illnesses including headaches, allergies, neck and back pain and may assist with emotional traumas, ADD/dyslexia, depression and learning difficulties. Craniosacral therapy is very gentle and assists the body’s capacity for self-repair and autogenic balance. Laurel often uses her experience with Kinesiology in combination with craniosacral therapy for a holistic and natural approach to health.